Saturday, August 22, 2009

Why - thank you Aunty Terri!

All that tent making is tiring!

Last time Aunty Terri visited Gaby, she taught Gaby how to make tents/huts! We all had a blast, sleeping in the lounge on my matress, with a sheet slung between chairs/the couch on either side of us, and draped over the back of the TV. Yes, super fun. Took me back to mine & Terri's childhood, we often went on tent building missions, although usually I was sitting & watching, or assisting, while Terri took charge.

Well, the past THREE mornings, Gaby has gotten up nice & early, and either partially or fully removed the bedding from her bed, in order to make a tent! Friday morning she came in at 6am and told me she wanted to make a tent, quite a strange request I thought, in my half-asleep state. Then this morning upon waking up, I looked into her bedroom & thought it looked as though her bed had no bedding on it, but figured that was just because I didn't have my glasses on... but no. I was right. No bedding. Sheets were draped over the couch in her room, over the 'special light', over the dolls cot - and when I asked what she'd done, she proclaimed she'd been making tents!
Could be the beginning of a very frustrating hobby!!!

Of course I love the fact that my princess is using her imagination!!! I think it's awesome, I love seeing her using her imagination, and entering into imaginary play - makes me feel good to know that she's reaching all her cognitive developmental milestones at the right age! I guess I just need to set some ground rules - now that it appears to not be a one off! Maybe this means she is going to stop getting into the sugar, flour, coffee &... well, anything she can make a mess with!