Saturday, December 20, 2008

Poo's & Wee's!


Don't need to say much more huh!!!!!!

My little monkey has grown up SO much in the past year. Into a big-girls bed, talking pretty clearly, pooing & weeing in the toilet... *sigh*

Monday, December 15, 2008

BREAKING NEWS : Gabrielle Oakden has done poos on the toilet

Yay! My baby girl did poo's on the toilet!!!!! Don't really need to say more than that do I?

She was on the toilet then came into the lounge & said "stink stink stink" - and I wondered if maybe she'd done poos on the toilet, but figured she was just saying it - but I checked anyway - and there was a little poo nugget!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Terrible two's.. uh huh!

Mischief: Gaby Styles.

Moisturising Mummy's bed....
Here Mum - join in, it's fun!

can't get enough of that hot chocolatey powder goodness

The terrible two's really can be terrible! Seems I am ALWAYS cleaning up some mess of Gaby's, or washing something she's drawn on/pooed on/spilt something on - and as for the time-out's I'm issuing? I think her record for one day was about 15!!! Shocking little monster! BUT she is getting more and more adorable by the day, and I love her to little tiny bits & pieces. Nothing cuter than her coming in in the morning and saying "have good sleep?" to me, or when I am putting her to bed at night & she asks for another kiss. Seeing her with Fluffy is also another thing that makes me love her a little bit more each day - she loves that cat SO much - she has to kiss her goodnight before bed - & give her a hug, then in the morning first thing she does when she gets up - and what I usually wake up to, is her checking the door & seeing Fluffy & squealing with delight! She's also just becoming more & more loving toward people and seems to be developing a little bit of a sense of empathy, which surprises me!

What else can I say about lil Ms Gaby... Tonight she is spending her first night at her Dad's - he is having her Christmas Day/Night & Boxing Day - and I'm going to Temuka with Mum & Dad, so I decided it would be a wise idea for her to have a night or two at his house before then, so that when Christmas Day does come - and i'm 90 minutes away, there is less chance of it going badly. I'm pretty sure she'll be just fine, but I guess it'll be a good confidence builder for him, and it'll reassure me some, so I am not stressing all Christmas! It'll be sad not having Gaby for Christmas, but he has as much right to have her on Christmas Day as I do - & his family have as much right to see her as mine do! That said, it will be nice to have some time without having to worry about her - and maybe I can even have a few Christmas Drinks with the 'rents & Deb/Mark!

Tooth #18 is through, so now there are only #19 & #20 to go! This teething thing is almost over! If I believed in him, I'd be praising the lord right about now! Trying to think if there are any other new developmental milestones she's reached.... she seems to be growing a lot, but that's to be expected isn't it! Her language still blows me away. She says a lot of numbers now, just not in order - and she always mimic's the Daily Keno draw - which is so cute, I still don't know where she learnt the number 92 - but she says it regularly!!! She's starting to enjoy books a bit more, sat through a whole story that Nan read her yesterday, and did the same for me earlier in the week - I guess that comes with the age though, her attention span is getting a little longer. She's still on the go all the time - never ever sits still, but that's not so bad! Gymnastics is over for the year, so I might start taking her swimming once or twice a week so we can still get out & do something 'special' together. Although school holidays now - the pool will be busy as heck.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A poem dedicated to Gaby

this may explain what happened between the hours of 7am-10am today........ :rolleyes:

Started at 7.00
With Gaby poo on my sheets
Carried on the rest of the morning
With my voice on repeat
"no Gaby"
Was what I said
She'd just turn her head
Then came the marker all over her body
Did I mention it being all over the couch?
Then for the big ouch
Yogurt all over the floor
Surely she couldn't do anything more?
That was when alone, I went out the door
A simple trip to get something out of the car
Back at the door & Gaby's saying "har-har"
The door was locked - joke's on you Mama!
She let me in eventually & I was happy
Until I had to look for the car key
This time Gaby had a look on her face that said "hehehe"
I found them on my floor
Could not handle any more
Bunged her in the car
And drove her to her school
Told her teacher "I'm now handing over the devil child"
And she laughed at me
"Gaby is an angel..........."
Maybe tonight I can bring the Gaby angel home with me

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guess what Gaby can do!

Yesterday Gaby counted to six! She did it without any prompting or help!!!!!

My clever girl!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gaby got an early Christmas present!

Little Miss Fluffy

Kisses for Fluffy

Gaby trying to brush Fluffy's teeth!

Yesterday I got Gaby a cat!!!!!!!

I've wanted Gaby to have pet to grow up with, for awhile now... and as much as I'd have loved to get a newborn kitty, it was just going to work out a lot cheaper to adopt an older cat. I found a kitty on TradeMe, that was being given away - I emailed the owner & last night we brought her home!

She's 2yo, neutered & immunised - and very fluffy!!!
Gaby adores her, and much to my surprise, the cat adores Gaby too! I think it's still a bit of a novelty for her - and I'm sure soon enough the cat will annoy her lol.. but for now, tis all good!

We are naming the cat Fluffy - because well, she's a little fluffball, but also because Gaby can say Fluffy pretty well!
Last night Gaby tried to brush Fluffy's teeth, tried to give her a drink of water out of a cup - and this morning she tried to share her toast with her, and also gave her a few books to read - before playing peek-a-boo with her!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drool Drool Droooooool

Gaby was never really a drooly baby - a lot less than other babies it seemed. I expected that it would only improve - not get worse... BUT with these 2yo molars starting to make their appearance[s], she seems to have a large puddle of drool surrounding her at all times! Crazy the effects these little toofs can have!

We went to the beach this morning & Gaby had a lot of fun - I'm glad we went so early because it's quite warm out now. She didn't get as wet as she did last time (thank goodness), and she didn't eat any sand (hoorah!) but she certainly enjoyed running around and playing with the sand. She is a bit anxious around the water, but that doesn't really upset me - at least I know she isn't going to go running into the water without me watching! She was quite happy if I was holding her & walking in the water, but no way would she let her little toes enter that water!

We got home & she had a nap at midday - VERY unlike Gaby, when she got up she was shaking like a leaf & had a temperature of 38.7... We had a bit of a cuddle and I gave her some pamol and ibuprofen (pamol for the temp, ibuprofen for the pain), and the temp started going down a little (to 38.5) & she's now in bed again, so hopefully when she wakes up she'll be quite a bit cooler. Scary when she burns up like that! She doesn't appear to be sick, so I am pretty sure the fever is related to teething - especially taking into consideration all the drool and the bright red cheeks!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gaby is 2 now!

Welcome to 'Lots to do When You're Two' - Gaby's new blog!!!!

Gaby turned two on Sunday, October 26th - and if you want to be specific, she turned two at 1.01am! We had her birthday party on Saturday, and I think everyone had a great time - Gaby certainly enjoyed being the centre of attention - and all of the cool presents she got!!!!

Her first 2yo molar has come in today, so she's been a little grouchy, but I guess that means only 3 more to go!!!!! Yay!!