Friday, December 12, 2008

Terrible two's.. uh huh!

Mischief: Gaby Styles.

Moisturising Mummy's bed....
Here Mum - join in, it's fun!

can't get enough of that hot chocolatey powder goodness

The terrible two's really can be terrible! Seems I am ALWAYS cleaning up some mess of Gaby's, or washing something she's drawn on/pooed on/spilt something on - and as for the time-out's I'm issuing? I think her record for one day was about 15!!! Shocking little monster! BUT she is getting more and more adorable by the day, and I love her to little tiny bits & pieces. Nothing cuter than her coming in in the morning and saying "have good sleep?" to me, or when I am putting her to bed at night & she asks for another kiss. Seeing her with Fluffy is also another thing that makes me love her a little bit more each day - she loves that cat SO much - she has to kiss her goodnight before bed - & give her a hug, then in the morning first thing she does when she gets up - and what I usually wake up to, is her checking the door & seeing Fluffy & squealing with delight! She's also just becoming more & more loving toward people and seems to be developing a little bit of a sense of empathy, which surprises me!

What else can I say about lil Ms Gaby... Tonight she is spending her first night at her Dad's - he is having her Christmas Day/Night & Boxing Day - and I'm going to Temuka with Mum & Dad, so I decided it would be a wise idea for her to have a night or two at his house before then, so that when Christmas Day does come - and i'm 90 minutes away, there is less chance of it going badly. I'm pretty sure she'll be just fine, but I guess it'll be a good confidence builder for him, and it'll reassure me some, so I am not stressing all Christmas! It'll be sad not having Gaby for Christmas, but he has as much right to have her on Christmas Day as I do - & his family have as much right to see her as mine do! That said, it will be nice to have some time without having to worry about her - and maybe I can even have a few Christmas Drinks with the 'rents & Deb/Mark!

Tooth #18 is through, so now there are only #19 & #20 to go! This teething thing is almost over! If I believed in him, I'd be praising the lord right about now! Trying to think if there are any other new developmental milestones she's reached.... she seems to be growing a lot, but that's to be expected isn't it! Her language still blows me away. She says a lot of numbers now, just not in order - and she always mimic's the Daily Keno draw - which is so cute, I still don't know where she learnt the number 92 - but she says it regularly!!! She's starting to enjoy books a bit more, sat through a whole story that Nan read her yesterday, and did the same for me earlier in the week - I guess that comes with the age though, her attention span is getting a little longer. She's still on the go all the time - never ever sits still, but that's not so bad! Gymnastics is over for the year, so I might start taking her swimming once or twice a week so we can still get out & do something 'special' together. Although school holidays now - the pool will be busy as heck.


Anna said...

looks like she might have a few violent tendencies ha ha! she's so stinkin' cute. your auntie in america loves you miss gabalicious!