Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our trip to Temuka, Wanaka & Queenstown

Last Wednesday I decided it'd be a nice idea to travel the 2 hours(ish) to Temuka, to stay a couple of nights with Deb & Mark... Planned to be home by midday Friday so we could keep our regular lunch-date with Mum at the Palms. Thursday Terri text me & managed to convince me to travel the extra 4 hours to go & visit her in Queenstown. I had planned to go to Wanaka & Queenstown later this month, but figured that since I was already 2 hours of the way there, why not just go through then.

Friday morning we left Temuka & met Grandma, Arthur & Stacey in Omarama, before travelling over the Lindis Pass, to Wanaka (well Albert Town, but close enough), where we set up camp at Grandma & Arthur's house. Stacey is staying with them for the next few weeks before she goes to Australia, so it was a nice chance to catch up with her too!!! Friday nothing major happened (minus of course all the travelling) - but Grandma did take Gaby down to the river, and Gab took great pleasure in laying in the [muddy] puddles down there!!! She came home looking muddy and dirty, but it was so adorable!

Saturday midday me, Stace & Gab left for Queenstown (about 80 minutes away from Wanaka) to stay with Terri for the night! We arrived in Queenstown after Ter finished work & then went up to the supermarket to buy some buns & salad stuff for lunch - then went to a playground nearby so Gab could have a play & we could have a bit of a picnic. Was lovely - such a scenic spot compared to the playgrounds in cities! Could see the Remarkables & hear the jetboats on the lake... Amazing. After we got back to Terri's we went for a walk down to Lake Wakatipu to have a swim. Trust me, it was cold - but very fun! Terri & Gab stayed together on the shore & in the water up to Terri's waist, but me & Stace swam out deeper... & I got rather dizzy trying to touch the bottom in a particularly deep part of the lake. I was still light headed two hours later. Saturday night we had a BBQ for dinner, then just hung around Terri's - was nice to just chill out!

Sunday we went into Queenstown (Terri lives in Frankton, which is like a suburb of Queenstown) & went to watch the National Rugby 7's - sexy men in short shorts - who could ask for more? We were there for a couple of hours, but stupid ignoramus' kept standing in front of us so we didn't really get to see much!!! It was pretty hot & I managed to end up with a little patch of sunburn on my leg! Afterward we went back to Terri's - and then down to the lake for another swim, before heading home about 4.45 that night. We got back to Grandma's & were met by a lovely dinner, then just had a quiet evening. Stacey, Grandma & I played Yahtzee later in the evening, and it was a lot of fun - full of lots of laughing, and cheating on Staceys behalf!

Monday... Monday... I don't really remember Monday. Oh, we made a waterslide, which was very fun, but me & Stacey both woke up sore & bruised & scraped the next day - never used to happen when we were kids! Monday night we went into Wanaka for a swim in Lake Wanaka - which was reallllllllly nice! Was cold to start with, but you soon got used to it! Was quite sad when we had to leave - but Gaby was ready for bed, so it wouldn't have been a good idea to stay!

Tuesday we were up bright & early, I packed & we left at 8.45am, to head home. Just out of Wanaka I picked up a hitch hiker! He was really nice, quite talkative too - he was tiny & I could have squashed him if he'd tried anything evil! Temuka we stopped and picked up Mark - and brought him through to Christchurch to pick up their new truck. We got home at 4.15 - was definately a relief to be home, but at the same time it was sad, because we'd had such a nice time away!!!!!!!!!!

I will post photos on a seperate blog entry!