Today I decided to get onto the mammoth task of tidying Gaby's bedroom. Her room looked like a tip, but luckily it was fairly easy to tidy - just had to sort out her clothes & toys that were ALL over the floor. Of course one thing led to another & I ended up sorting out her drawers, putting clothes that are too small in a bag, then I sorted out her toys & put the ones she no longer plays with in a bag.
Naturally Gaby was with me the entire way - helping me pick things up and put them in bags, or to put clothes on the couch, her toys on the bed - but of course it didn't take long for her to get sidetracked while doing each task! I put a new mesh hamper in her room & explained that whenever she takes dirty clothes off, they have to be put in the hamper... we then put a few dirty items in - it was all going swimmingly, 5 minutes later I looked & the clothes were out & GABY WAS IN! It was rather funny, but made me realise that getting her to 'be tidy' isn't going to be as easy as I thought! Of course *I* need to keep at it as well, be a good role model and all of that good stuff.....
Sometimes with Gaby I feel like I need instructions - I have no idea at what age I can expect her to do specific things - like how old she needs to be before I can start expecting her to follow instructions to clean up..... I guess I just have to play it by ear huh...
How to Handle Homework?
I think this is what I was most worried about with the kids going to school
Yes, homework.
No, not the amount, just how to handle it...ya know, the logistics...
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