See her grow!
photos all taken between 26 August & 2 September
I think Gaby is really a 16 year old in a[n almost] 3 year olds body. Why you ask? Because of the following all taken between 26 August & 2 September
Mummy: hey Gaby, your birthday is coming up soon!!!
Gaby: can have a birthday cake!
Mummy: yes you can
Gaby: and candles!!!
Mummy: yes Gaby, you can have candles
Gaby: and I blow out the candles!
Mummy: yes, that's right. What do you want for your birthday Gaby?
Mummy: you want to and hear them singing?
Gaby: yes! Got got get get boom boom pow!
... my three year old doesn't want a Barbie, a doll, a teddy, a book or anything age appropriate for her birthday - she wants to go to a Black Eyed Peas concert! It made me laugh so hard - which is rather dangerous while you are driving, but it just sounded so cute - and so grown up! I can almost hear her now when she's 16, grumping on at me about wanting to go to a concert!
In other news... Mum is down visiting Terri, in Queenstown - and she's coming home today, so Gaby & I are going to pick her up at the airport. I think the airport is one of Gaby's favourite places in the world, so I'm sure that she isn't going to mind having to go there. It was sad yesterday though, Gaby started crying - out of the blue, and I gave her a cuddle and asked what was wrong & she said "miss Nan, want her come home"... it brought a little tear to my eye. Not long after that she started putting things in a bag, and when I asked what she was doing she told me "packing my bag to go pick Nan up at airport"... awwww!
We seem to have the sleeping problem all fixed now as well - thank goodness! Most nights she stays in her bed all night, hopping in with me around 6 or 7am - and it's lovely - I didn't realise how badly I was sleeping, with her in my bed! For the first while that she was sleeping back in her bed, I would rub her back until she went to sleep - she would cry if I didn't, but NOW she goes to sleep without me sitting beside her!!!!! Yay Gaby!!! She seems a lot happier as well, and doesn't seem as grouchy during the day. Yay for us both getting decent sleep at night!
Gaby is now 2 years & 10 months old - less than two months & she'll be turning three! SCARY! I was looking at her old baby photos, and it is amazing to see how much she's grown, and to think of everything she has accomplished in that time... makes me feel pretty good as well, to know that I am part of the reason she's such an awesome little kid!
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