Gaby has barely slept in HER bed all year. It all began when she threw up in her sleep, while in her bed (back in January), and since then, she has refused to sleep in her own bed, much preferring my bed. I tried to be 'firm' to get her sleeping back in her own bed, but no matter how 'firm' I am, she is a lot stronger & I end up giving up. I don't think people realise how hard I DO try to get her to stay in her own bed, but there comes a point (usually around midnight), when it doesn't seem like it to have a screaming toddler & a crying Mummy. That is when she gets in my bed.
I know she needs to go back in her bed, I just don't know how to get her there. Even the mention of sleeping in her bed sends her into tears, and she gets all panicky about it - I don't so much mind her sleeping in my bed, because it's *just me* in my bed, but what happens when I have a partner who stays over regularly?? Can't very well have three of us in the bed! Related to that, I want to get Gaby into her own bed SOON, so that when it does happen to be, that I'm in a relationship, that Gaby doesn't feel like she's being 'kicked out' of my bed, in place of said partner.
I have asked her numerous times why she doesn't want to sleep in her bed, and the answer is always the same, quite simply "I don't like my bed", or "my bed isn't big enough" or - the heartbreaker "I miss Mummy". It's like I'm being pulled two different ways the 'firm' Mummy side, competing against the nurturing Mummy side, I guess it says something that it's always the nurturing side that wins over? The only thing way I can think of, to get her into her own bed - is to BUY HER A NEW BED... but I hardly have the money to do that. I'm keeping an eye on TradeMe, a second hand one would be okay, but then there is still the matter of transporting it between point A & point B.. it would mean trailer hire, and finding someone with a tow bar.....
Hmmmm I keep hoping that one day she'll just snap out of it & decide her bed is awesome, but so far... nothing...
How to Handle Homework?
I think this is what I was most worried about with the kids going to school
Yes, homework.
No, not the amount, just how to handle it...ya know, the logistics...