I have been a bit slack lately updating the blog! The most interesting/exciting thing that has been happening lately, is Gaby's sudden understanding of doing wee's & poo's in the potty!!! All of a sudden she just started going to the potty when she needed to do one or the other (or both) - and on Saturday spent most of the day in just undies! Today is an undie day as well, and so far so good!!! She is very proud of herself whenever she goes in the potty, and I make a big deal of showing her how exciting it is - and admittedly I do give her a little treat whenever she goes! Small price to pay to get her potty trained!
Other than the pottying, she is continuing to grow and talk and do things each day that amaze me, and/or make me laugh. She really is a joy to have around - but I am guessing there aren't really any parents who wouldn't say that about their kiddy! She's still loving preschool & the increased hours (now that I'm back at uni) don't seem to have phased her at all - not that I thought they would - according to the teachers she is a very good helper... aw, that's my girl!
We are still having issues with her sleeping habits - ever since she vomitted in her bed almost two months ago! The past week or so she has gone to sleep in her bed, but gotten up before I have gone to bed, or has hopped into my bed with me before I've gone to sleep. I would prefer that she slept all night in her own bed, but I eventually realised that me trying to get her to stay in her bed was stressing both of us out - so I guess you could say I've given in & am not 'fighting' her when she wants to sleep with me. Usually she has a good nights sleep in my bed, so it isn't so bad I guess. Last night she did stay in her bed, until some point this morning, so hopefully that will be a theme from now on!!!
How to Handle Homework?
I think this is what I was most worried about with the kids going to school
Yes, homework.
No, not the amount, just how to handle it...ya know, the logistics...